The P2 Crew at WFES recognize The Unsung Heroes of Education – Substitute Teachers
At Wakefield Forest Elementary, substitute teachers support our school by helping to ensure the continuity of the learning process. When teachers are out, they are here in the classroom teaching and supporting students. Substitute teachers model adaptability to new environments, diverse populations, and teach a variety of subjects. They not only assist students but also support their fellow educators. By stepping in during times of need, they alleviate stress for teachers and ensure that instructional goals are met. Substitute teachers help create community with teachers, staff, and students through connection and familiarity.
At WFES, the P2 Crew has been working hard to recognize our substitute teachers through gratitude and acts of kindness. Students have created thank you cards to give to substitutes and thank you posters to display in the teachers’ lounge and at the desk where they sign in each day. Our goal is to ensure substitute teachers at WFES feel appreciated and valued in our school community. Our hope is that substitute teachers enjoy their experience at WFES and become regulars at our school or long-term substitutes in our community. More importantly, we want our students to develop a sense of appreciation for others and develop their Other People Mindset.
Pictured below are a few of our super substitutes of WFES: Mrs. Joslyn Osten, Mr. Tinklepaugh and Ms. Rule. Mrs. Osten is not only a substitute, but she is also a parent of 2 students in our community. Mr. Tinklepaugh is a familiar and favorite substitute teacher who students love to have in their classrooms. Ms. Rule is not only a substitute teacher, but she is also a parent and former WFES student! Not only that, but we often have former students who substitute teach or become members of our staff at WFES. Talk about community members of Wakefield Forest going full circle!

Here at Wakefield Forest substitute teachers play a vital role in the educational landscape, often embodying the principles of positivity, resilience, and growth. As we celebrate the contributions of educators, let's not forget to acknowledge the invaluable role of substitute teachers in shaping the minds and hearts of students everywhere. Now that’s something to howl about. Thank you substitute teachers…this howl is for you (insert wolf howl here…)!