WFES News You Choose, Friday, February 7, 2025
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Ms. Lubinski's Grade 6 strings students performed the National Anthem at the FCPS School Board Meeting this week.
In this Week's Issue...- Important Upcoming Dates
- Attendance Matters
- 2/8 - Reading Opens the World Book Drive & Literacy Fair
- Family Culture Night - February 27
- 2/10 - Three Hour Early Release Day
- Join the GO Club Today!
- 2/12 - PTA Meeting 7:00 pm
- 2/13 - Internet Safety Workshop
- 2/14 - Last Day to Order Your Green Team T-shirt
- 2/22 - Truro Parkland Cleanup with the WFES Green Team
- 3/4 - Registration Opens for Magnet School Application and Lottery Information
- Save the Date! New Building Open House - April 9th
- Order WFES Yearbook Today
- 5/17 - Register Now for TJ TECHSTRAVAGANZA
- Give Wakefield Forest a Follow!
- Contact Us
February 12: PTA Meeting - 7:00 pm (virtual)
February 13: Internet Safety Workshop - 8:30 am
February 13: WFES Spelling Bee - 3:45 pm
February 17: Presidents Day - School Holiday / No School
February 19: Picture Day for Clubs/Candids
February 27: WFES Family Culture Night - 6:30 pm
Attendance MattersGood attendance is an important life skill that will help students succeed in school and beyond.
When planning trips or family events, refer to the FCPS calendar and try to use weekends and school holidays. Every day of learning is a day toward success. Keep in mind that absences add up quickly. Students absent 10% of the school year (or just two days per month) are considered chronically absent.
So why is your child still marked "unexcused" if you informed the school that you will be travelling?
According to FCPS, when your student is not in school for absences where student whereabouts are known or supported by the parent, administration still deems the absence unexcused. Examples are if the student is shopping with a parent, family is away for vacation, student is participating in any other non-school activities during school hours. Automated calls, emails and texts do not go out in these cases since you have shared your student's whereabouts with us. But after five unexcused absences of any kind the Virginia Department of Education requires schools to discuss attendance with families.
Excused absences are reserved only for student illness; death in family; court appearances or family hardships discussed with school admin.
2/8 - Reading Opens the World Book Drive & Literacy Fair Family Culture Night - February 27We are excited to host our third annual Family Culture Night on Thursday, February 27th from 6:30 - 8:00 PM.
We're proud of the many diverse cultures that make up our WFES community and look forward to celebrating them together. We hope you will participate by attending and/or volunteering your time/talent.
- Food and Displays 6:30 - 7:45 PM
- Performance Spot Lights 6:30 - 8:00 PM
A flyer with information and request for RSVP came home in your child's Thursday folder this week. We need volunteers to help and bring food to make this event a success, please click the link below.
2/10 - Three Hour Early Release DayOur first three hour early release day for 2025 is coming up on Monday, February 10, 2025.
An email confirming the plan for dismissal for your child went home this week. We will dismiss your child in this manner unless we hear otherwise.
If you need to make a change, please contact the school office ASAP. You can let us know by contacting the school office at 703-503-2300.
Join the GO Club Today! 2/12 - PTA Meeting 7:00 pmJoin us for our next virtual PTA meeting on this Zoom link:
2/13 - Internet Safety WorkshopEven the most in-tune parents could use some extra tips for keeping up with the fast-changing media landscape. This comprehensive presentation addresses the biggest concerns parents of elementary students face, such as managing screen time, getting a cellphone, cyberbullying, social media, and more.
Join us in the WFES Library at 8:30 am for this informative discussion.
2/14 - Last Day to Order Your Green Team T-shirtYou can still order our First Annual GREEN TEAM shirt online! 🌿💚 until February 14th!
We have BIG goals for our school community this New Year, including:
- Reducing our carbon footprint with more sustainable practices - 100% recycling of clean cafeteria trays! 🌍
- Expanding our recycling program to keep waste out of landfills – Currently, we recycle just 24% of our waste and aim to significantly increase that number.♻️
- Promoting eco-friendly habits at every grade level - Tips & Tricks offered by an assigned Green Team Ambassador 🌱
This shirt is our way to synergize, motivate and unite the entire school around these important goals. By wearing it, you’re showing your commitment to the cause and helping us build momentum for change!
Get2Green Team Group Order Form - Sign Up Today!
Spread the word! Share the link with friends, family, and neighbors to help us meet the goal!
Together, we can make a BIG difference! 💪👕
2/22 - Truro Parkland Cleanup with the WFES Green TeamThe Truro Parkland Committee will be having its winter clean up on Saturday, February 22nd. Join your WFES Green Team friends as we help with this effort. Meet at the clubhouse at 4146 Elizabeth Lane and bring water, clippers and gloves. Help keep our community clean! Contact Mary Muratore- [email protected] or Julie Howard - [email protected] if you have any questions.
3/4 - Registration Opens for Magnet School Application and Lottery InformationThe Magnet Program registration window will open Tuesday, March 4, 2025, and close Friday, April 4, 2025. No late applications are accepted.
To learn more about the programs and the registration process, families are encouraged to attend one of the Parent Information Nights:
- Hunters Woods Elementary, February 18, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. (In-person)
- Location is Hunters Woods Elementary School
- Bailey’s Primary Elementary School and Bailey’s Upper Elementary School, February 20, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. (In-person)
- Location is at Bailey’s Primary Elementary School
Click here Magnet School Lottery for more information.
We are nearing the end of our renovation and planning for an open house for the full community on the evening of April 9th. Stay tuned for more information!
Order WFES Yearbook TodayDon't is time to order your child's WFES 2024-25 yearbook. Cost is $14.00.
Deadline for yearbook ordering is April 21st.
Click on the link to order now: Order HERE
5/17 - Register Now for TJ TECHSTRAVAGANZAWe represent the leadership of Tomorrow’s Women in Science and Technology (TWIST), a student organization at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST). Each year, we promote STEM through our annual flagship outreach event, Techstravaganza
Techstravaganza is a free, public, hands-on STEM activity fair for elementary and middle school students in Northern Virginia. In previous years, we've hosted more than 4,500 students and 70 labs presenting STEM activities. Our exhibitors range from TJHSST clubs and our own TWIST volunteers to organizations like NASA SCaN, Art of Problem Solving, George Mason University, American Society of Naval Engineers, and the National Air and Space Museum. This year, we will be holding the 21st annual Techstravaganza on Saturday, May 17, 2024 from 10 AM to 4 PM at TJHSST.
Admission is free, food will be for sale, and we hope that you can spread the word in your school. Here is our registration link:
Give Wakefield Forest a Follow! Contact UsAttendance: 703-503-2323 or [email protected]
Health Room: 703-503-2310
Family Information Phone Lines/Support for families who do not speak English as their first language: Family Information Phone Lines
Technology Support: Resources for Families Using FCPS Technology
Principal: Sharyn Prindle [email protected]
Assistant Principal: Amy Williams [email protected]
4011 Iva Lane, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.503.2300
Attendance: 703.503.2323 or email | Web | Facebook | Instagram